On Urns

The urn is seen as the final place of stay – the epilogue to an amazing tale of life gathered in a small vase with a lid. To many, urns are stigmatized as a symbol of death or loss, but HappyUrns believes otherwise. We want to remind everyone that the topic of end-of-life is a significant opportunity to celebrate and appreciate our loved ones.

HappyUrns Projects

Over the course of the HappyUrns journey, we developed 3 projects that help different groups of people engage with end-of-life topics with their loved ones. Scroll down for some interactive sneak peaks of these creations or use the map to visit different parts of the virtual exhibition!

Click HERE to redeem our products: Celebration Kit and Life in a Year Book!

Residents' Urn

Creating personalized urns for 7 lovely residents of St. Joseph's Home.

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Celebration Kit

A toolkit to help you build an activity box of your favorite things in life.

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Life in a Year Book

A journal of prompts to help you pen down the precious memories in life.

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HappyUrns Competition

Submissions open from now till 28 May! Find out more on our Competition page.

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We are honored to have our Resident’s Urn project featured on Straits Times. Read the full story by Wang Hui Fen here: Rest in Peach? Personalised Urns to help overcome taboo.

Take a sneak peak into the process through the video below! Video by the Straits Times.

We are also happy to share that the video produced by Lien Foundation is out. Come and watch the video to know more about the HappyUrns project!


When you die, if there is an afterlife, who do you hope is there to greet you?

    Look at how others have responded:

    wall of responses

    What is something you hope to settle in your life before your time is up?
    Be an anonymous living organ donor (a kidney and half a liver)
    Who do you hope is by your side, when it is your time to go?
    My loved ones: family and friends, and the ones who help me grow into a better person
    If I could have more easily let go of something, it would have been __________.
    My ego. I just want a happy family.
    If you could have different choices in life, what would they have been?
    I wished to be more courageous and not procrastinate in things I’ve always wanted to try out.
    What was a moment in life when you were glad someone corrected you?
    My teacher who explained to me what mistakes I had made so I could know the correct solution, not just merely an answer and a cross mark
    What is something in your life, that most people don’t know?
    I don’t know what to do in my life

    HappyUrns believes that our journey and our final resting place should represent celebration and joy, and should reflect an individual’s unique personality.

    Redeem the Celebration Kit
    and Life in a Year Book

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